Panthers on the RUN is Forest Park's first ever running club. A committed group of 14 students have dedicated themselves to pushing their limits by training for a 5 kilometer (3.1 miles or 3 and one tenths of a mile). The running club meets every Friday for an hour to improve their physical fitness by running around our beloved Forest Park. The students will compete in their first 5k on the campus of Wake Forest University in Wake The Library 5k on October 9th.
Food Webs (in depth interactive illustrations of four food webs, also “who dun it” mysteries): Simple Food Webs:
This week in math we are exploring probability and possible outcomes. Students explored this concept by selecting items in our room and recording the probability that the item would land on a particular side. Students were surprised by their results.
On March 6, 2010 our class grant for new soccer goals was fully funded. There will be many competitive soccer games to come in the future. We are thankful to individuals who helped to fund this grant!
"What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand." -- Confucius
Our class understands the importance being a leader and helping those around us. Being a caring leader takes many forms. One example of our students being caring leaders is by their efforts with their literacy buddies. During this activity, students are paired with a 2nd grade student to help be a positive role model for their younger peer. Their efforts are so profound that they stand as role models for more than just their buddy. Keep up it up!
Friday March 26, 2010 was Career Day at Forest Park Elementary School. We were lucky enough to have a Newspaper Journalist, Computer Programmer, Lawyer, Nurse and Fire Fighter visit our classroom to share with us about their careers. Thank you to all of the individuals who came to our school to share with us what they do for a living.
On March 15th, 2010 our class placed markers on 18 storm water drains around our campus. We know the importance of keeping trash away from these drains. It is our hope that the signs displayed around our campus will encourage more people to dispose of their trash in a more environmentally friendly manner.
On Friday March 21, 2010, our class took a field trip to the International Civil Rights Museum in Greensboro. The museum is located in the old Woolworth building. The now famous Woolworth building was the site of the Greensboro Sit-In that was started by four North Carolina A & T University students over fifty years ago. Our class has studied extensively about this event. The museum also celebrates the contributions made by individuals that sacrificed to help bring civil rights to all citizens. Thank you to everyone that helped make this field trip possible.